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Since founding the Industrial Computing group of Phoenix Mecano, we have the pleasure of partnering with some fantastic companies. As the saying goes, “it pays to know a guy who knows a guy.”

Well, we know a guy (company) with a long history of Rugged system development, testing and production – Orion Technologies. Orion Technologies has assisted us in the development of products specifically designed to withstand harsh conditions – vibration, humidity, dust, etc. From rugged embedded SBCs to other ATR MIL-spec products, Hartmann has a solution for you. Ask your Hartmann representative how our ties with Orion Technologies and history in ATR manufacturing can benefit you and your latest project.

ImageNameWidthHeightBoardSlotsProfilePowerCoolingOrientationRear I/OHot SwapMountinghf:att:pa_chassis-widthhf:att:pa_board-sizehf:att:pa_slotshf:att:pa_power-supplyhf:att:pa_mounting
VPX Chassis 4U/50HP 5 Slots50 HP4U3U5Full Mesh X4300W ATXRemovableVerticalYesNoRack-mount50-hp3u5300w-atxrack-mount
VPX Chassis 4U/50HP 7 Slots50 HP4U3U7BKP3-CEN07-15.2.3-4600W VPX plug-inRemovableVerticalYesYesRack-mount50-hp3u7600w-vpx-plug-inrack-mount
VPX Chassis 4U/84HP 8 Slots84 HP4U3U8BKP3-CEN08-15.2.15-42x 600W VPXRemovableVerticalYesYes19" rack-mount84-hp3u82x-600w-vpx19-rack-mount
VPX Chassis 4U/42HP 5 Slots Desktop42HP4U3U5Full Mesh X4300W ATXInternalVerticalYesNoDesktop42hp3u5300w-atxdesktop
VPX Chassis 10U/84HP 10 Slots84 HP10U6U10BKP6-CEN10-11.2.4-41000W VPXRemovableVerticalYesYes19" rack-mount84-hp6u101000w-vpx19-rack-mount