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cPCI Serial Backplanes

High-Speed Serial Communication in a Familiar Package

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CompactPCI Serial is an industrial standard for modular computer systems. It is based on the established PICMG 2.0 CompactPCI standard, which uses the parallel PCI bus for communication among a system's card components. In contrast to this, CompactPCI Serial uses only serial point-to-point connections.
CompactPCI Serial was officially adopted by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group PICMG as PICMG CPCI-S.0 CompactPCI Serial in March 2011. This standard transitions the existing CompactPCI parallel bus architecture to serial high-speed interconnects. Switches and bridges are not needed for a system configuration of one system slot and up to eight peripheral slots. Using a new rugged connector allows for a signal density of up to 184 pin pairs (3u) and transmission rates of 48 Gb/s per X4 link, while maintaining the proven 19” mechanics of IEC 1101 and hot swap.

As the established PICMG 2.0 CompactPCI standard has evolved, so has Hartmann Electronic’s product line. Our cPCI Serial solutions are designed with quality and versatility in mind. Our serial backplane technology come equipped with either single star or serial full mesh topology for the highest quality and most efficient backplane experience on the market.

All products have been thoroughly tested and are in accordance with IEEE 1101.1 and 1101.10/11 as well as IEC 60297-3-101, -102, -103.

ImageNameBase SpecificationPower Feedhf:att:pa_base-specificationhf:att:pa_power-feed
CompactPCI Serial 3U BackplanesPICMG CPCI-S.0 R2.0 (2015)Terminal rails/screwspicmg-cpci-s-0-r2-0-2015terminal-rails-screws
CompactPCI Serial 3U Backplanes incl. Power connectorPICMG CPCI-S.0 R2.0 (2015)Terminal rails/screws and with power connector for Serial-PSUpicmg-cpci-s-0-r2-0-2015terminal-rails-screws-and-with-power-connector-for-serial-psu
3U cPCI Serial Power BackplanesPICMG CPCI-S.0 R2.0 (2015)M3 studs for +12V and 5VStandbypicmg-cpci-s-0-r2-0-2015m3-studs-for-12v-and-5vstandby