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CompactPCI Serial Chassis

High Quality Chassis and Enclosures for High Speed CompactPCI Serial Applications (up to PCIe Gen.3)

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CompactPCI Serial is an industrial standard for modular computer systems. It is based on the established PICMG 2.0 CompactPCI standard, which uses the parallel PCI bus for communication among a system’s card components. In contrast to this, CompactPCI Serial uses only serial point-to-point connections. CompactPCI Serial was officially adopted by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group PICMG as PICMG CPCI-S.0 CompactPCI Serial in March 2011.

As the established PICMG 2.0 CompactPCI standard has evolved, so has Hartmann Electronic’s product line. Our cPCI Serial solutions are designed with quality and versatility in mind. These chassis come complete with a PCIe Gen3 backplane with either single star or serial mesh topology, powered by a variety of quality power supplies. All products have been thoroughly tested and are in accordance with IEEE 1101.1 and 1101.10/11 as well as IEC 60297-3-101, -102, -103.

ImageNameWidthHeightBoardSlotsProfilePowerCoolingOrientationRear I/OHot SwapMountinghf:att:pa_chassis-widthhf:att:pa_board-sizehf:att:pa_slotshf:att:pa_power-supplyhf:att:pa_mounting
cPCI Serial 4U 32HP 4 Slots32HP4U3U4GbE Full Mesh, PCIe Gen3180W ATXFixed FansVerticalNoNoPanel - Mount32hp3u4180w-atxpanel-mount
cPCI Serial 4U 42HP 7 Slots42HP4U3U7GbE Single Star, PCIe Gen3300W CompactPCI SerialInternalVerticalNoYesDesktop42hp3u7300w-compactpci-serialdesktop
cPCI Serial 4U 50HP 9 Slots50 HP4U3U9GbE Single Star, PCIe Gen3300W CompactPCI SerialRemovableVerticalNoYesRack-mount50-hp3u9300w-compactpci-serialrack-mount
cPCI Serial 4U 50HP 9 Slots50 HP4U3U9GbE Single Star, PCIe Gen3300W ATXRemovableVerticalNoNoRack-mount50-hp3u9300w-atxrack-mount
cPCI Serial 4U 84HP 9 Slots84 HP4U3U9GbE Single Star, PCIe Gen3300W CompactPCI SerialRemovableVerticalNoYes19" rack-mount84-hp3u9300w-compactpci-serial19-rack-mount

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Motorstr. 43
D-70499 Stuttgart, Germany
P:+49 711 13 98 90
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D-51399 Burscheid, Germany
P:+49 2174 6780

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